Sunday, May 27, 2007

Zen Wen

Zen Wen, the little cheeky 5 years old boy son of my cousin. Knocked his head on the edge of wooden panel while shopping with parents in the mall. Pretty much bleeding on the left eyebrows that near the eye area. His parents were terrified with the son bleeding and immediately sent him to the nearest hospital emergency ward for treatment. From the injury to the op room till the op (stitches) was done, this little cheeky boy never have a drop of tears. Moving actively like normal, eat like normal. Should i describe him a brave little boy or he is extremely abnormal. I would say the fall was too minor for him. He is too hypeactive, too impudent that the fall of the pain means nothing to him until it really hurts.

I told his mother that in fact his son is uniqueness. However, though it is god's gift with the uniqueness child, still he has to be taken much more care....

I would say it definately a very stresssss for me....

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I'm too surprise to read an article about my son in your blog. Thanks for caring.